Tuesday, December 26, 2006

One Better Thing in Life

Listening to J S Bach's Concerto No. 5 in F Minor, BWV 1056, performed by the legendary Concertgebouw Orchestra, and it goes without saying, the conductor is Willem Mengelberg.

Do I need to say more?

Sunday, December 24, 2006

Christmas Special

I wish you all a very Merry Christmas.

The mixed signals and information that our world gives us sometimes make us hard to believe in a world that Christianity depicts and the way in which the same religion shows us the world is going to be. But there is in fact no better time than Christmas to introspectively think of how our world has developed if it is not created, maintained and evolving as the Holy Bible suggests. Even it is true that the world comes purposelessly, we confer the meaning to it and make it a place worth remembering, preserving and making it more habitable. As I always say, it is the Humanity Hypothesis. Many of the issues that ascribe to God or the lacking of Him may be tackled without the involvement of Him. It is still not an implausible idea or hypothesis to suggest a conscious, all-good divine being looking at us and taking care of what is beyond our living such as the stability of our universe.

In this moment, I refrain, temporarily, from attacking the idiots or the Brainless. All I would like to do is to think about our world, and read Richard Dawkin's The God Delusion.

Saturday, December 23, 2006

Christianity or Humanity

The title of this post illustrates the author's idea but not the subjects the author talks about. In simple terms, the subjects the author talks about are not concerned with Christianity or Humanity, or what Christianity or Humanity is all about, or whether Christianity and Humanity may be in conflict with one another. All they know is what they believe they know and disastrously what they believe they know is true, the only truth and nothing but the truth.

I am about to show you how the Brainless in the Rubbish work. Although they are brainless, they are equipped with the senses and they are able to understand in some way, for example, they should have learnt the letter "B" is placed after the letter "A" when they are required to write, "A, B, C, D,......, X, Y and Z". I have to add, though, the Brainless may get confused when counting to G, and then they will ask themselves, vainly, what next. Is it H or J. After some struggle (well this does not take them much time, if any at all, to give up), they will do any other thing than writing down A to Z.

The above example shows how pathetic a Brainless is in terms of basic knowledge - the building block of rationality and other higher level knowledge. Then, I should demonstrate a second example in order to show you the lack of basic knowledge is not very detrimental to all of us who have a brain. It is the consequence of the lack of basic knowledge which annoys us.

Whan Brainless A finished high school, in old times (or good old times), he will come out of the society and taste what they deserve - a low life. But our great world gives the excessive resources and Brainless A now is in college, learning what once the elite and the best can enjoy - knowledge. The consequence is grave. Brainless A will become a college graduate and equal himself to the elite and the best. He comes out of the society as a self-proclaimed elite and demands the society to give him what the elite and the best has been given. But of course, the society is not a charity that feeds the imbeciles. It refuses and Brainless A jumps and moans and yells. A lot of them become noise. A few of them are more troublesome. They become institutional terrorists. You may argue, not all of these people I dub as Brainless are those idiots who cannot write A to Z. They may know well that Y is before Z, and X is before Y. And they have learnt quite well in college and got a decent job. They may be so called a professional or a middleclassman or even mistakenly respected as an elite. Why these people are still brainless is that they fail the second test. They fail knowledge. They fail badly to contribute after obtaining some much knowledge. They owe knowledge a great deal. They are morons who cannot think properly, act properly, act as an example to the other idiots or respond to the worsening world in a way that would contribute to the whole humanity. They live in vain, despite the fact that they have consumed so much of our precious resources (remember resources are precious, not scarce.)

I am not describing a dark picture. Just statistically you have a fair chance to bump into someone like Brainless A, either as some noise or a terrorist.

The one or two that relate to this post are not terrorist, but perhaps propagandists. If something is done unwilfully, they are Condemned progagandists. If wilfuly, they are unforgivable. Not quite recently I read some newspaper reporting a couple whose little baby was dead 9 days after birth. The couple blogged the whole incident and many responded. I am sure of it as a case in contrary to Humanity in a way as I have also defined it. Before she was born, the baby had been diagnosed as having inborn diseases that significantly reduced the chance of prolonged survival after birth. There would be two possibilities. First, let the baby come out and die. Second, let her go before she comes out. At this point comes the conflict if Christianity is in store. The baby girl passed away on the nineth day of her birthday. While a bunch of people claim they know they are right about what they have done in the name of Christianity, they in reality distract their inability under the guise of Christianity. I call these people the Brainless. Let me continue in the next posts.

In the meanime, I wish you all a very Merry Christmas. I would hope the real spirit of Jesus Christ will prevail.

Saturday, December 16, 2006

The Brainless - An Introduction

One important element of the Rubbish is the Brainless.

A lot of brainless humans (apparently the term is in contradiction with homo sapiens, but let's see what this writing develops if this term is consistently being used) love thinking or love the end-result of thinking (expression of ideas). But they have never thought about the key point, which is, a brain is required in order to think and bring the result of thinking forth for discussion or critique.

Don't worry! Life has become easier. Brianless humans can say whatever they want. Thanks to the blogs and other media that make their identity anonymous. So they can say brainlessly and still will not be criticised, derided or burnt at the stake. Most unfortunately, because of availability of these media, they are heard, and sometimes by a disproportionate number of others! But overall I have to admit that the benefit of these media to all of those who are equipped with a brain far outweighs the shortcoming that we have to tolerate the brainless contaminating the world with their fruitless words.

One thing that particularly annoys me is the way those people believe and the way they act accordingly, and the other brainless follows. In my forthcoming post, I shall describe what I mean in details.

Friday, December 15, 2006

Pseudo-educated Society (Or Rubbish) - A Prelogue

I need to explain this title. It means that Pseudo-educated Society may also be called Rubbish. Yes, Rubbish. I do not even bother calling the bunch of people in this Society such good names as Rubbish Society or Rubbish Community. No, they are not. They are just rubbish. The single, concrete word as plain as the word Rubbish.

Blogs are very popular and responses to blogs are even more popular. There are a lot of people, including my humble self, who publish blogs. Naturally there are a hell lot reading the blogs and writing in response to those blogs. From those blogs and those responses, I have to say that I can confirm that the majority is brainless, belonging to the category of rubbish whose existence is not in any sense worthier than the sum of the organic compounds that comprise their whole body, namely they are just fertilisers.

I once commented some circulating writings on the web regarding the forecast of tsunamis. I said, Konstantin Dmitrievich, the protagonist in Anna Karenina, makes a comment on the aristocrats fancying the "table-rapping and spirits", "[this table-rapping proves that] educated society - so-called - is no higher than the peasants. They believe in the evil eye, and in witchcraft and omens." The reference to the educated society is made rightly and is still equally applicable in our time as in Leo Tolstoy's.

Seeing those people these days, if I classified them in our time as members of the educated society, I classified them too highly. So I decided to use a term I coined. It is the Pseudo-educated society to which they belong. But still this is not satisfactory. People in the Pseudo-educated Society, I would believe, still consider being educated a virtue. In fact, from what I have learnt of these writings on the blogs, they do not see it a virtue. They do not see it at all inasmuch as they are blind. Though in reality they may be deemed just above illiterate, they are literally blind and they are mentally blind as well -- as such they cannot think properly, cannot write properly and obviously do not have any idea about definitions of our world. As a consequence they say what others said and collage what those others said and hope they can compose something expressive, meaningful and touching. They write, as a matter of fact, rubbish. Thus they should be called Rubblish, if we wish to add brutality in the description. I shall continue my elaboration how those people act in our world.